T15-3233 20-360 SJ

Project Summary Redevelopment of Medical Equipment Manufactory
Location Arlington, Texas
Service Phase I Due Diligence, Phase II Assessment, Remediation, Construction
Outcome Acquisition and Redevelopment with New Industrial Distribution Facility

This 100 acre, 420,000 square foot former pharmaceutical research and manufacturing facility was constructed in the early 1970s and was eventually vacated and disposed. After years without maintenance the improvements deteriorated to the point of being unusable and the facility was designated for demolition and redevelopment.

Targus conducted a Phase I ESA and conduced compliance evaluation of the installation and operation of on-site natural gas production wells. Targus completed additional sampling and analysis to supplement incomplete Phase II services previously conducted by others. Areas of concern (AOCs) included: former process sewers and lift stations; abandoned process equipment and previously removed above- and underground chemical and waste storage tanks, both indoors and outside; maintenance and service facilities; laboratories and testing areas; transformers and electrical power control and distribution equipment; water production wells in various states of disrepair; asbestos containing building materials; hazardous materials and universal wastes; on-site natural gas production wells, processing equipment, and collection pipeline; and suspect jurisdictional waters of the United States. Each of these AOCs was evaluated and planned for removal or remedy.

Targus oversaw asbestos abatement and monitoring by others on behalf of the owner and interceded with Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) inspectors to avoid citations. We prepared a soil and materials management plan (including Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan [SWPPP]/ Notice of Intent [NOI]) and observed demolition, directing segregation, removal, and proper off-site disposal of transformers, electrical equipment, elevators, hazardous materials and universal wastes encountered. When transite fire water lines were encountered, Targus conducted asbestos inspection and coordinated with the developer’s asbestos abatement contractor to achieve proper removal of the pipe in accordance with requirements under the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Our DSHS inspector provided field monitoring and documented proper handling and off-site disposal.

The development project required relocation of gathering pipelines serving the on-site gas wells. Targus’ field personnel observed trench excavation for installation of the replacement line, and its connection and placement into service. Targus’ staff also observed, screened with field vapor analyzer, and documented removal of the previously-inactivated gathering line.

Following demolition we observed and documented removal/ segregation of sewers, subsurface equipment, and potentially-affected soil unearthed during excavation and foundation removal. Suspected source areas were sampled and contaminated materials were delineated and removed. When site balance required import of fill, Targus conducted source site evaluation, including sampling and analysis, to document that the imported material was suitable for use on-site. Following the majority of site grading work our field personnel observed, monitored atmospheres, and documented excavation undertaken by others to expose, remove, and install replacement of piping serving the on-site natural gas wells. Upon completion, documentation of site work for redevelopment was compiled, demonstrating that conditions were suitable for unrestricted land use; no regulatory reporting or closure was necessary.
