The subject property was a regional healthcare system that prominently included a 50-acre urban acute care hospital campus composed of approximately 150 separate parcels improved with 22 multistory medical office buildings encompassing approximately 1,000,000 square feet, a helipad, and four parking structures. Nearby properties included several surrounding retail parcels and six suburban clinics.
Environmenal sampling and analysis confirmed the expected presence of petroleum and a variety of hazardous substances from a number of existing and prior storage systems (both on- and off-site) and on-site maintenance operations. We prepared conceptual response plans prepared, and identified required equipment upgrades/ replacements and spill prevention plan requirements. A variety of aged equipment containing hazardous substances, waste containers, and dumped construction debris were identified to be improperly stored and measures to remove those were defined. Widespread friable asbestos thermal system insulation and leaded paint were identified, and the required immediate targeted repairs/ abatement and proper operations and management plans were recommended. We also estimated costs for abatement associated with required capital projects and ADA and fire/ life safety compliance upgrades.
Indoor air quality assessment identified the presence of airborne pathogens in both public and patient care areas, and numerous required improvements in both thermal and humidity control. The principal corrective measures included mechanical equipment (cooling and ventilation) replacements and operational adjustments. Costs were estimated for required replacements and addressing deferred maintenance.
Upon completion of the assessment the results were presented in person to parties to the transaction during which specific examples were highlighted and explanations and responses to questions were provided. The results of assessment had a material effect on the transaction.