Targus was engaged through counsel for a prospective purchaser of approximately 500 acres of open ranch land improved with three abandoned and dilapidated rural residences with septic tanks, a cell tower with above-ground fuel storage, equipment sheds, a storage container, deer stands/ feeders, a pond, groundwater production wells, an unimproved air strip, and dirt/ gravel roads. The subject property was located in an area characterized by wooded land, creeks, and sparse rural residences in the central Texas hill country. The services included a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).
The subject property reconnaissance was conducted on foot and from off-road vehicle. Available information from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Central Registry website identified that the subject property was on the stormwater Enforcement and Compliance History list for failure to prevent discharge of sediment to surface waters of the state. File information documented that the violation was resolved through installation of erosion controls to protect Hamilton Creek. No releases or handling of petroleum or hazardous substances were indicated by the event records. No recognized environmental conditions were identified.