Targus was retained to perform an environmental site assessment of a downtown commercial building and parking garage subsequently converted for occupancy by Uplift Luna Preparatory primary public charter K-5 school.
During the course of assessment, Targus identified historical on-site and surrounding land use suggestive of a release to the subsurface. As additional services, Targus undertook sampling of soil, groundwater, and soil vapor and compared the results of analysis to building construction features and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) operations anticipated to have mitigated the potential for vapor intrusion. In light of the sensitive occupant population, Targus confirmed the exterior subsurface assessment with sampling and analysis of indoor air relative to outdoor ambient air.
Although the results of assessment verified the effectiveness of the pre-construction mitigation features and did not indicate likely unacceptable indoor vapor concentrations, Targus provided a plan for future demonstration of continued protectiveness in light of the recognized environmental condition.