We were retained to conduct an environmental assessment (Phase I ESA with testing for asbestos and wastes) of abandoned refrigerated warehouse buildings located in downtown Dallas, Texas. The property was approximately one-half mile in length, encompassed 55 acres, and was located between the Dallas Convention Center and the area slated for the Trinity River greenbelt parkway. At the time of initial assessment the property was occupied by five main buildings, including 1.2 million square feet of refrigerated warehouses constructed in the 1940s. During the period of operation this facility was the largest refrigerated warehouse facility in the United States. Earlier uses also included petroleum storage and historical rail service facilities. Recognized environmental conditions included phase-separated petroleum, solvents, pesticide constituents, and metals in soil and water in proximity to a stormwater conveyance.
Following completion of initial assessment, abatement of asbestos, a large building fire, and demolition of the structures, the facility was entered into the state Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) for corrective action and completion of risk-based assessment. We removed dissolved and phase-separated petroleum through a combination of soil excavation, water recovery and treatment, and on-site soil management. Assessment, and removal as appropriate, of additional affected areas (due to metals, poisons, solvents) exposed during removal of foundations and other structures was completed in conjunction with demolition.
In order to address remaining conditions, we prepared a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) for the subject properties and surrounding area to eliminate the water ingestion exposure pathway. A complete VCP Affected Property Assessment Report (APAR) demonstrated conditions to be protective with the MSD eliminating the groundwater and surface water exposure pathways. A final VCP Certificate of Completion that does not restrict residential land use was thereafter secured.