Targus conducted field observation, screening, and documentation of earthwork as part of a downtown reconstruction project. During the course of excavation for basement and foundations, an approximately 5,000-gallon underground storage tank (UST) was encountered. Excavation actives were redirected from this area and continued unabated at different locations. After required regulatory notifications, a licensed UST contractor exposed, cleaned, and removed the tank, and transported the tank and contents for proper off-site disposal and/or recycling. Excavated tankhold soil was segregated, characterized, and transported to an off-site landfill under manifest. Laboratory analytical results identified the tank contents to be heating oil. Targus confirmed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) that heating oil tanks without releases were exempt from regulation, that no contaminant levels were exceeded, and that no further action was required.
One additional 500-gallon used oil ghost UST was discovered later and closed separately by essentially the same process as above but with additional TCEQ reporting. A Release Determination Report was completed for submittal to the TCEQ Petroleum Storage Tank group documenting the removal and sampling activities. A No Further Action letter was subsequently issued by the TCEQ.