Targus performed observation and sampling activities associated with the removal of a 30,000-gallon diesel UST on the VA Medical Center campus in Bonham, Texas. Soil samples were collected from the limits of the excavation. Water observed in the tank pit was also sampled. Targus reviewed the Release Determination Report (RDR) submitted by client to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for the tank removal documenting a release to soil and groundwater. Additional activities to address the release were subsequently managed by VA personnel.
Targus also reviewed the RDR and follow-up correspondence to the TCEQ pertaining to a release of benzene to soil at the former location of a 1,000-gallon gasoline UST at the VA Medical Center in Dallas. Benzene at a concentration exceeding the TCEQ Petroleum Storage Tank Program Action Levels was detected in an initial tank bottom sample. The area of the exceedance was further excavated, and the results from a second sample were below Action Levels. The TCEQ considered the initial benzene exceedance to constitute a release and required completion of a water well search, receptor survey, and identification of surface water bodies within a one-quarter mile radius of the site. Targus reviewed documentation provided to the TCEQ. The leaking petroleum storage tank incident at the VA Medical Center in Dallas subsequently received closure.